Monday, February 28, 2011


There will be a reception on Tuesday, March 15th from 6pm to 8pm.  Tom and I will both make some comments and hangout with our guests.  Horde d'oeuvres will be served.
The hours each week from today, February 28th, to the end, March 21st, will be:  Monday 10am to 3pm, Tuesday 1pm to 4 pm, Wednesday 10am to 3pm, Thursday 1pm to 4pm, Friday, 10am to 1pm.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tom Loomis and I start hanging our two man show tomorrow at the new Allen Hall

"Two Men with P.M.S."  Painting, metalwork, sculpture (and jewelry).  Stop by anytime.  Actually, I should have the official times posted for the actual opening next Monday, February 21, 2011. There will be a presentation about the middle of March when Tom and I will talk. Above is one of my paintings that will be in the show. It is presented as a "positive" image and a "negative" image. Can you tell which is which?