Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simple frames

If you've ever framed a lot of artwork, you know how quickly the expense can add up! I build my own frames to save big time. I begin with small backing boards so that I will have a surface to nail quarter inch thick slats around the artwork. Thanks goodness for power screw drivers!
I use elmer's glue to hold the masonite panels on the backing boards.
And a few small wire brads to hold the panels in place while the glue dries.
Below the slats are in place making a simple frame.


The Annotated Barbarian said...

Great looking frames and economical, too. Did you learn how to make these from Sam Thomas? He's the one that showed me.

B. vera said...

Thank you, Paul I have an idea which kind of frames you use in your paintings now, but It will wonderful if you make a video on you tube to see more details, thanks a lot.