Monday, March 5, 2012

Special commissioned piece

Emily, the German teacher in Troy, has her students involved in a program where they go to Germany for three weeks during the school year. Some students from Germany stayed in Troy and experienced the high school there. It is a great opportunity for all. Emily has decided to present the German school with a piece of art to commemorate the exchange.
I was asked to include certain words and to work for a green, blue and violet effect.  Above I started with yellow oxide and below I've added a layer of phtalo blue. 
 The last color layer was violet which is shown below.
 Finally, I hand-painted some areas to add more contrast as seen below.


The Annotated Barbarian said...

They gave us Paul Klee, now we can give them a Bozzo.

Christianne Teixeira said...

Dear Friend, I am awarding you the "Liebster Blog Award", so go to my blog, pick it up, and pass it forward. Hope you like it!! It is my way to thank you for all the lessons :)

David DeWitt said...

kirlyi hniusI am so impressed with with your work! What do you use to obtain such flawless lettering? I tried a rubber stamp set but the letters were not centered on each wooden base! It only cost me ten dollars for the set so I guess I didn't get a quality set - appreciate knowing what you use! Thanks for inspiring me so much! I am 63, and love making textured art pieces!

Paul Bozzo said...

Christianne! Thanks for the award. I'm trying to find to pass it along. Hmmmm - it is good to be busy!

Paul Bozzo said...

David - Thanks so much. Getting the letters to look sharp isn't an easy task. These letters are practically antiques - but they work well. The are centered well enough so that I hold 4 or 5 letters at a time.

Paul Bozzo said...

Andy - the German theme continues with the award. Thanks.