Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mansfield State College Art Department 1969

As you may read, Mansfield's ART depARTment was flourishing in 1969. The spring of 1969 saw the first three graduates in art education. The first department newspaper was printed on Oct. 3, 1969. There were 80 kids in the program, myself included.
I do remember when Gerry Bailey exhibited in some local banks. Mansfield's own First Citizens National Bank gave Gerry wallspace to hang his art.
From an historic perspective, the list of advisors and advisees give a complete accounting of the faculty and students present that year.
Some of use know and recognize many of these names. I would like to know what has happened to some these people?

Some of us had turns drawing the heading for our newletter. I would like to see them all, but I imagine there is no archive.


The Annotated Barbarian said...

That was before my time!

Anna Baglini lives locally here in Athens. I have two of her grand-kids in art class. If I see her, I will pass your website along to her. Maybe she knows of some of the others.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the three, first art department graduates. I reside in the South Hills of Pittsburgh and am working at a retirement community in the Activities Department.Quilting and stamping cards are my creative outlet. I was in contact with Ruth Hess for a while about three years ago. She was living near York PA. Other than her I have not been in touch with anyone from the department. Linda Bennett